- Unsupervised Dual Transformer Learning for 3D Textured Surface Segmentation” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. I. Ganapathi, F. Dharejo, S. Javed, S. Ali, N. Werghi, 2024, [pdf] [Demo]
- An interpretable dual attention network for diabetic retinopathy grading: IDANet Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. A. Bhati , N. Gour , P. Khanna , A. Ojha , N. Werghi, 2024 [pdf] [Demo]
- Enhancing security in X-ray baggage scans: A contour-driven learning approach for abnormality classification and instance segmentation Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. D Velayudhan, A Ahmed, T Hassan, N Gour, M Owais, M Bennamoun,2024 [pdf] [Demo]
- Autonomous Localization of X-Ray Baggage Threats via Weakly Supervised Learning IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. D Velayudhan, A Ahmed, T Hassan, N Gour, M Owais, M Bennamoun,2024 [pdf] [Demo]
- Neural Graph Refinement for Robust Recognition of Nuclei Communities in Histopathological Landscape. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Hassan, T., Li, Z., Javed, S., Dias, J. and Werghi, N., 2023. [pdf][Demo]
- Neural Graph Refinement for Robust Recognition of Nuclei Communities in Histopathological Landscape. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Hassan, T., Li, Z., Javed, S., Dias, J. and Werghi, N., 2023. [pdf][Demo]
- Drone-Person Tracking in Uniform Appearance Crowd: A New Dataset. Scientific Data, Nature Springer. M Alansari, OA Hay, S Javed, A Shoufan, Y Zweiri, N Werghi, 2024. [pdf][demo]
- Center-Focused Affinity Loss for Class Imbalance Histology Image Classification. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, T. Mahbub, A. Obeid, S. Javed, J. Dias, T. Hassan and N. Werghi, 2023. [pdf][Demo]
- Multiplex cellular communities in multi-gigapixel colorectal cancer histology images for tissue phenotyping. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Javed, S., Mahmood, A., Werghi, N., Benes, K. and Rajpoot, N., 2020. [pdf] [Demo]
- Spatially constrained context-aware hierarchical deep correlation filters for nucleus detection in histology images. Medical Image Analysis, Javed, S., Mahmood, A., Dias, J., Werghi, N. and Rajpoot, N., 2021. [pdf][Demo]
- Knowledge distillation driven instance segmentation for grading prostate cancer. Computers in Biology and Medicine, Hassan, T., Shafay, M., Hassan, B., Akram, M.U., ElBaz, A. and Werghi, N., 2022. [pdf] [Demo]
- DeepBLS: Deep Feature-Based Broad Learning System for Tissue Phenotyping in Colorectal Cancer WSIs. Journal of Digital Imaging, Baidar Bakht, A., Javed, S., Gilani, S.Q., Karki, H., Muneeb, M. and Werghi, N., 2023. [pdf][Demo]
- An appraisal of the performance of AI tools for chronic stroke lesion segmentation. Computers in Biology and Medicine, R Ahmed, A Al Shehhi, B Hassan, N Werghi, ML Seghier. 2023. [pdf] [demo]
- Robot-Person Tracking in Uniform Appearance Scenarios: A New Dataset and Challenges. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, Zhang, X., Ghimire, A., Javed, S., Dias, J. and Werghi, N., 2023. [pdf][demo]
- Programmable broad learning system for baggage threat recognition. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Shafay, M., Ahmed, A., Hassan, T., Dias, J. and Werghi, N., 2023. [pdf] [demo]
- Nucleus classification in histology images using message passing network. Medical Image Analysis, Hassan, T., Javed, S., Mahmood, A., Qaiser, T., Werghi, N. and Rajpoot, N., 2022. [pdf] [Demo]
- Multi-level feature fusion for nucleus detection in histology images using correlation filters. Computers in Biology and Medicine, Javed, S., Mahmood, A., Dias, J. and Werghi, N., 2022. [pdf] [Demo]
- Recent advances in baggage threat detection: A comprehensive and systematic survey. ACM Computing Surveys, Velayudhan, D., Hassan, T., Damiani, E. and Werghi, N., 2022. [pdf] [demo]
- A Novel Algorithm Based on a Common Subspace Fusion for Visual Object Tracking. IEEE Access, S Javed, A Mahmood, T. Bouwmand. Ullah, J Dias, N Werghi, 2022. [pdf][demo]
- Hierarchical Spatiotemporal Graph Regularized Discriminative Correlation Filter for Visual Object Tracking. IEEE transactions on Cybernetics, S. Javed, A. Mahmoud, J.Dias, L. Seneviratne, N. Werghi, 2021. [pdf][demo]
- The Classification Power of Classical and Intra-voxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Fitting Models of Diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Images: An Experimental Study. Journal of Digital Imaging, Alkadi, R., Abdullah, O. and Werghi, N., 2022. [pdf] [demo]
- Cascaded structure tensor for robust baggage threat detection. Neural Computing and Applications, Hassan, T., Akcay, S., Hassan, B., Bennamoun, M., Khan, S., Dias, J. and Werghi, N., 2023. [pdf] [demo]
- Tensor pooling-driven instance segmentation framework for baggage threat recognition. Neural Computing and Applications, Hassan, T., Akcay, S., Bennamoun, M., Khan, S. and Werghi, N., 2022. [pdf] [demo]
- Unsupervised anomaly instance segmentation for baggage threat recognition. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Hassan, T., Akcay, S., Bennamoun, M., Khan, S. and Werghi, N., 2021. [pdf] [demo]
- A novel incremental learning driven instance segmentation framework to recognize highly cluttered instances of the contraband items. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, Hassan, T., Akcay, S., Bennamoun, M., Khan, S. and Werghi, N., 2021. [pdf] [demo]
- Meta-transfer learning driven tensor-shot detector for the autonomous localization and recognition of concealed baggage threats. Sensors, Hassan, T., Shafay, M., Akcay, S., Khan, S., Bennamoun, M., Damiani, E. and Werghi, N., 2020. [pdf] [demo]
- Tomato maturity recognition with convolutional transformers. A Khan, T. Hassan, M. Shafay, I. Fahmy, N. Werghi, S. Mudigansalage, I. Hussain, 2023. [pdf] [demo]
- Angular contrastive distillation driven self-supervised scanner independent screening and grading of retinopathy. Information Fusion, T Hassan, Z Li, MU Akram, I Hussain, K Khalaf, N Werghi, 2023. [pdf] [demo]
- Retinopathy Screening from OCT Imagery via Deep Learning. Data Fusion Techniques and Applications for Smart Healthcare, R. Ahmed, B. Hassan, A. Khane, T. Hassan,d, J. Dias, M.L. Seghier, N. Werghi, 2024. [pdf] [demo]
- Incremental Cross-Domain Adaptation for Robust Retinopathy Screening via Bayesian Deep Learning. IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, B. Hassan, T. Hassan, M.U. Akram, S. Hashmi, A. Taguri, N. Werghi,2021. [pdf] [demo]
- Joint Segmentation and Quantification of Chorioretinal Biomarkers in Optical Coherence Tomography Scans: A Deep Learning Approach. IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, B. Hassan, S. Qin, R. Ahmed, T. Hassan, R.Ahmed, N. Werghi,2021. [pdf] [demo]
- Deep learning based joint segmentation and characterization of multi-class retinal fluid lesions on OCT scans for clinical use in anti-VEGF therapy. Computers in Biology and Medicine, B. Hassan, S. Qin, R. Ahmed, T. Hassan, A. Taguri, S. Hashmi, N. Werghi. [pdf] [demo]
- CDC-Net: Cascaded decoupled convolutional network for lesion-assisted detection and grading of retinopathy using optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, B. Hassan, T. Hassan, N. Werghi. [pdf] [demo]
- RAG-FW: A Hybrid Convolutional Framework for the Automated Extraction of Retinal Lesions and Lesion-influenced Grading of Human Retinal Pathology. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, T. Hassan, M. U. Akram, N. Werghi, M. N. Nazir. [pdf] [demo]
- Clinically Verified Hybrid Deep Learning System for Retinal Ganglion Cells Aware Grading of Glaucomatous Progression. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, H Raja, T.Hassan, M. Akram, N. Werghi. [pdf] [demo]
- Learned 3D shape representations using fused geometrically augmented images: Application to facial expression and action unit detection. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Taha, B., Hayat, M., Berretti, S., Hatzinakos, D. and Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]
- COVID-19 detection systems using deep-learning algorithms based on speech and image data. Mathematics, Nassif, A.B., Shahin, I., Bader, M., Hassan, A. and Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]
- Boosting 3D LBP-based face recognition by fusing shape and texture descriptors on the mesh. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Werghi, N., Tortorici, C., Berretti, S. and Del Bimbo, A. [pdf] [demo]
- Matching 3D face scans using interest points and local histogram descriptors. Computers & Graphics, Berretti, S., Werghi, N., Del Bimbo, A. and Pala, P., 2013. [pdf] [demo]
- Selecting stable keypoints and local descriptors for person identification using 3D face scans. The Visual Computer, Berretti, S., Werghi, N., Del Bimbo, A. and Pala, P., 2014. [pdf] [demo]
- Person Gender Classification on RGB-D Data With Self-Joint Attention. IEEE Access, Zhang, X., Javed, S., Dias, J. and Werghi, N., 2021. [pdf] [demo]
- Advancement in human face prediction using DNA. Genes, Alshehhi, A., Almarzooqi, A., Alhammadi, K., Werghi, N., Tay, G.K. and Alsafar, H., 2023. [pdf] [demo]
- A survey of 3d ear recognition techniques. ACM Computing Surveys, Ganapathi, I.I., Ali, S.S., Prakash, S., Vu, N.S. and Werghi, N., 2023. [pdf] [demo]
- Multimodal hybrid features in 3D ear recognition. Applied Intelligence, Ganesan, K., Ganapathi, I.I., Javed, S. and Werghi, N., 2023. [pdf] [demo]
- Robust human ear-based multimodal authentication technique. Computers & Security, Ganapathi, I.I., Ali, S.S., Sharma, U., Tomar, P., Owais, M. and Werghi,N., 2023. [pdf] [demo]
- Speaker identification from emotional and noisy speech using learned voice segregation and speech VGG. Expert Systems with Applications, Hamsa, S., Shahin, I., Iraqi, Y., Damiani, E., Nassif, A.B. and Werghi, N., 2023. [pdf] [demo]
- Emotion recognition from speech using wavelet packet transform cochlear filter bank and random forest classifier. IEEE Access, Hamsa, S., Iraqi, Y., Shahin, I. and Werghi, N., 2020. [pdf] [demo]
- An enhanced emotion recognition algorithm using pitch correlogram, deep sparse matrix representation and random forest classifier. IEEE Access, Hamsa, S., Iraqi, Y., Shahin, I. and Werghi, N., 2021. [pdf] [demo]
- Convolution operations for relief-pattern retrieval, segmentation and classification on mesh manifolds. Pattern Recognition Letters, Tortorici, C., Berretti, S., Obeid, A. and Werghi, N., 2021. [pdf] [demo]
- CSIOR: Circle-surface intersection ordered resampling. Computer Aided Geometric Design, Tortorici, C., Werghi, N. and Berretti, S., 2020. [pdf] [demo]
- Representing and analyzing relief patterns using LBP variants on mesh manifold. Pattern Analysis and Applications, Tortorici, C., Werghi, N. and Berretti, S., 2021. [pdf] [demo]
- SHREC 2020: Retrieval of digital surfaces with similar geometric reliefs. Computers & Graphics, Thompson, E.M., Biasotti, S., Giachetti, A., Tortorici, C., Werghi, N., Obeid, A.S., Berretti, S., Nguyen-Dinh, H.P., Le, M.Q., Nguyen, H.D. and Tran, M.T., 2020. [pdf] [demo]
- Diffusion-weighted MRI based System for the Early Detection of Prostate Cancer. International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, Alkadi, R., Werghi, N., Shalaby, A., Taher, F. and El-Baz, A., 2019. [pdf] [demo]
- Early diagnosis and staging of prostate cancer using magnetic resonance imaging: State of the art and perspectives. Prostate cancer imaging: An engineering and clinical perspective, Alkadi, R., Taher, F., El-Baz, A. and Werghi, N., 2018. [pdf] [demo]
- A deep learning-based approach for the detection and localization of prostate cancer in T2 magnetic resonance images. Journal of digital imaging, Alkadi, R., Taher, F., El-Baz, A. and Werghi, N., 2019. [pdf] [demo]
- A comprehensive non-invasive framework for diagnosing prostate cancer. Computers in biology and medicine, Reda, I., Shalaby, A., Elmogy, M., Abou Elfotouh, A., Khalifa, F., Abou El-Ghar, M., Hosseini-Asl, E., Gimel'farb, G., Werghi, N. and El-Baz, A., 2017. [pdf] [demo]
- Detection of calcification from abdominal aortic aneurysm. Cardiovascular Imaging and Image Analysis, Salahat, S., Soliman, A., Bhaskar, H., McGloughlin, T., El-Baz, A. and Werghi, N., 2018. [pdf] [demo]
- 3D mesh watermarking using salient points. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Medimegh, N., Belaid, S., Atri, M. and Werghi, N., 2018. [pdf] [demo]
- Local binary patterns on triangular meshes: Concept and applications. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Werghi, N., Tortorici, C., Berretti, S. and Del Bimbo, A., 2015. [pdf] [demo]
- Multi-scale Roughness Approach for Assessing Posterior Capsule Opacification. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, A. Vivekanand, N. Werghi, H. Al-Ahmad,2014. [pdf] [demo]
- An ordered topological representation of 3D triangular mesh facial surface: concept and applications. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Werghi, N., Rahayem, M. and Kjellander, J., 2012. [pdf] [demo]
- Best ellipse and cylinder parameters estimation from laser profile scan sections. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Rahayem, M., Werghi, N. and Kjellander, J., 2012. [pdf] [demo]
- An Unsupervised Learning Approach Based on a Hopfield-like Network for Assessing Posterior Capsule Opacification from Digital Images. Pattern Analysis and Applications, N. Werghi, R. Sammouda, F. Alkirbi, 2010. [pdf] [demo]
- Segmentation and Modelling of Full Human Body Shape From 3D Scan Data: A Survey. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, N. Werghi, 2007. [pdf] [demo]
- A Functional-based Segmentation of Human Body Scans in Arbitrary Postures. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, N. Werghi, Y. Xiao, P. Siebert, 2006. [pdf] [demo]
- Representing 3D texture on mesh manifolds for retrieval and recognition applications. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Werghi, N., Tortorici, C., Berretti, S. and Del Bimbo, A., 2015. [pdf] [demo]
- Facet-Level Segmentation of 3d Textures on Cultural Heritage Objects. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Ganapathi, I.I., Ali, S.S., Owais, M., Gour, N., Javed, S. and Werghi, N., 2023, October. [pdf][demo]
- Graph based texture pattern classification. In 2022 8th International Conference on Virtual Reality (ICVR), Ganapathi, I.I., Javed, S., Fisher, R.B. and Werghi, N., 2022, May. [pdf][demo]
- A survey of 3d ear recognition techniques. ACM Computing Surveys, Ganapathi, I.I., Ali, S.S., Prakash, S., Vu, N.S. and Werghi, N., 2023. [pdf][demo]
- Multimodal hybrid features in 3D ear recognition. Applied Intelligence, Ganesan, K., Ganapathi, I.I., Javed, S. and Werghi, N., 2023. [pdf][demo]
- Robust human ear-based multimodal authentication technique. Computers & Security, Ganapathi, I.I., Ali, S.S., Sharma, U., Tomar, P., Owais, M. and Werghi,N., 2023. [pdf][demo]
- Efar 2023: Efficient face recognition competition. Kolf, J.N., Boutros, F., Elliesen, J., Theuerkauf, M., Damer, N., Alansari, M., Hay, O.A., Alansari, S., Javed, S., Werghi, N. and Grm, K., 2023. [pdf][demo]
- Detecting 3D Texture on Cultural Heritage Artifacts. International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Ganapathi, I.I., Javed, S., Hassan, T. and Werghi, N., 2022, August. [pdf] [demo]
- Robust Structural Low-rank Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, S. Javed, A. Mahmoud, J. Dias, N. Werghi, 2020. [pdf][demo]
- CSIOR: An Algorithm For Ordered Triangular Mesh Regularization. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Tortorici, C., Werghi, N. and Berretti, S., 2020, October. [pdf][demo]
- Fused geometry augmented images for analyzing textured mesh. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Taha, B., Hayat, M., Berretti, S. and Werghi, N., 2020, October. [pdf] [demo]
- Defining Mesh-LBP Variants for 3D Relief Patterns Classification. Tortorici, C., Riahi, M.K., Berretti, S. and Werghi, N., 2019. [pdf][demo]
- CSIOR: An Ordered Structured Resampling of Mesh Surfaces. Tortorici, C., Riahi, M.K., Berretti, S. and Werghi, N., 2019. [pdf][demo]
- Extending LBP and Convolution-Like Operations on the Mesh. Tortorici, C., Werghi, N. and Berretti, S., 2019. [pdf][demo]
- A 2.5 D deep learning-based approach for prostate cancer detection on T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) Workshops, Alkadi, R., El-Baz, A., Taher, F. and Werghi, N., 2018. [pdf][demo]
- Performing Image-like Convolution on Triangular Meshes. Claudio, T., Naoufel, W. and Berretti, S., 2018. [pdf][demo]
- SHREC'18 track: Recognition of geometric patterns over 3D models. Biasotti, S., Thompson, E.M., Barthe, L., Berretti, S., Giachetti, A., Lejemble, T., Mellado, N., Moustakas, K., Manolas, I., Dimou, D. and Tortorici, C., 2018. [pdf][demo]
- Joint Registration and Representation Learning for Unconstrained Face Identification. IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Hayat, M., Khan, S., Werghi, N., Goecke, R., 2017. [pdf][demo]
- Segmentation of abdominal aortic aneurysm (aaa) based on topology prior model. In Medical Image Understanding and Analysis: 21st Annual Conference, MIUA 2017, Salahat, S., Soliman, A., McGloughlin, T., Werghi, N. and El-Baz, A., 2017. [pdf][demo]
- Towards a methodology for retrieving suspects using 3D facial descriptors. In Representations, Analysis and Recognition of Shape and Motion from Imaging Data: 6th International Workshop, RFMI 2016, Werghi, N. and Drira, H., 2017. [pdf][demo]
- Facial landmarks detection using 3D constrained local model on mesh manifold. In 2016 IEEE 59th International Midwest symposium on circuits and systems (MWSCAS), El Rai, M.C., Tortorici, C., Al-Muhairi, H., Werghi, N., and Linguraru, M., 2016. [pdf] [demo]
- Computer-aided diagnostic tool for early detection of prostate cancer. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2016. Authors: Reda, I., Shalaby, A., Khalifa, F., Elmogy, M., Aboulfotouh, A., Abou El-Ghar, M., Hosseini-Asl, E., Werghi, N., Keynton, R., El-Baz, A. [pdf] [demo]
- 3D constrained local model with independent component analysis and non-Gaussian shape prior distribution: Application to 3D facial landmark detection. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2016. Authors: El Rai, M.C., Tortorici, C., Al-Muhairi, H., Linguraru, M.G., Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]
- Landmark detection from 3D mesh facial models for image-based analysis of dysmorphology. 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2015. Authors: Chendeb, M., Tortorici, C., AlMuhairi, H., AlSafar, H., Linguraru, M., Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]
- 3D face matching using structured ordered facial patterns. 10th International Multi-Conferences on Systems, Signals & Devices 2013 (SSD13). Authors: Werghi, N., Bnouni, N., Gazzah, S. [pdf] [demo]
- Local descriptors matching for 3D face recognition. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2013. Authors: Werghi, N., Berretti, S., Del Bimbo, A., Pala, P. [pdf] [demo]
- Early features fusion over 3D face for face recognition. Representations, Analysis and Recognition of Shape and Motion from Imaging Data: 6th International Workshop, RFMI 2016. Authors: Tortorici, C., Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]
- Landmarks detection on 3D face scans using local histogram descriptors. 18th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON) 2016. Authors: El Rai, M.C., Tortorici, C., Al-Muhairi, H., Al Safar, H., Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]
- Statistical robust watermarking for 3D mesh models based on salient points. 2nd International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP) 2016. Authors: Medimegh, N., Belaid, S., Atri, M., Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]
- The mesh-lbp: a framework for extracting local binary patterns from discrete manifolds. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2014. Authors: Werghi, N., Berretti, S., Del Bimbo, A., Pala, P. [pdf] [demo]
- Mesh LBP features for 3D constrained local model. 18th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON) 2016. Authors: El Rai, M.C., Tortorici, C., Al-Muhairi, H., Al Safar, H., Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]
- Computing local binary patterns on discrete manifolds. 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2014. Authors: Werghi, N., Berretti, S., Del Bimbo, A. [pdf] [demo]
- Data embedding of 3D triangular mesh models using ordered ring facets. 10th International Multi-Conferences on Systems, Signals & Devices 2013 (SSD13). Authors: Werghi, N., Medimegh, N., Gazzah, S. [pdf] [demo]
- The mesh-lbp: computing local binary patterns on discrete manifolds. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops 2013. Authors: Werghi, N., Berretti, S., Bimbo, A., Pala, P. [pdf] [demo]
- The Spiral Facets: A Compact 3D Facial Mesh Surface Representation and Its Applications. Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics. Theory and Applications: International Joint Conference, VISIGRAPP 2011. Authors: Werghi, N., Bhaskar, H., Naqbi, M.K., Meguebli, Y., Boukadida, H. [pdf] [demo]
- Face-tree: A compact discrete 3D face shape representation. 1st International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and their Applications (ICCSPA) 2013. Author: Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]