- Learned 3D shape representations using fused geometrically augmented images: Application to facial expression and action unit detection. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 30(9), pp.2900-2916, 2020. Authors: Taha, B., Hayat, M., Berretti, S., Hatzinakos, D., and Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]
- Boosting 3D LBP-based face recognition by fusing shape and texture descriptors on the mesh. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 11(5), pp.964-979. Authors: Werghi, N., Tortorici, C., Berretti, S., and Del Bimbo, A. [pdf] [demo]
- Matching 3D face scans using interest points and local histogram descriptors. Computers & Graphics, 37(5), pp.509-525. Authors: Berretti, S., Werghi, N., Del Bimbo, A., and Pala, P. [pdf] [demo]
- Selecting stable keypoints and local descriptors for person identification using 3D face scans. The Visual Computer, 30, pp.1275-1292. Authors: Berretti, S., Werghi, N., Del Bimbo, A., and Pala, P. [pdf] [demo]
- Person Gender Classification on RGB-D Data With Self-Joint Attention. IEEE Access, 9, pp.166303-166313. Authors: Zhang, X., Javed, S., Dias, J., and Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]
- Advancement in human face prediction using DNA. Genes, 14(1), p.136. Authors: Alshehhi, A., Almarzooqi, A., Alhammadi, K., Werghi, N., Tay, G.K., and Alsafar, H. [pdf] [demo]
- Efar 2023: Efficient face recognition competition. arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.04168. Authors: Kolf, J.N., Boutros, F., Elliesen, J., Theuerkauf, M., Damer, N., Alansari, M., Hay, O.A., Alansari, S., Javed, S., Werghi, N., and Grm, K. [pdf] [demo]
- Joint Registration and Representation Learning for Unconstrained Face Identification. IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2017. Authors: M. Hayat, S. Khan, N. Werghi, R. Goecke. [pdf] [demo]
- Towards a methodology for retrieving suspects using 3D facial descriptors. In Representations, Analysis and Recognition of Shape and Motion from Imaging Data: 6th International Workshop, RFMI 2016. Authors: Werghi, N., Drira, H. [pdf] [demo]
- Facial landmarks detection using 3D constrained local model on mesh manifold. 2016 IEEE 59th International Midwest symposium on circuits and systems (MWSCAS). Authors: El Rai, M.C., Tortorici, C., Al-Muhairi, H., Werghi, N., and Linguraru, M. [pdf] [demo]
- 3D constrained local model with independent component analysis and non-Gaussian shape prior distribution: Application to 3D facial landmark detection. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). Authors: El Rai, M.C., Tortorici, C., Al-Muhairi, H., Linguraru, M.G., and Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]
- Landmark detection from 3d mesh facial models for image-based analysis of dysmorphology. 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). Authors: Chendeb, M., Tortorici, C., AlMuhairi, H., AlSafar, H., Linguraru, M., and Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]
- 3D face matching using structured ordered facial patterns. 10th International Multi-Conferences on Systems, Signals & Devices 2013 (SSD13). Authors: Werghi, N., Bnouni, N., and Gazzah, S. [pdf] [demo]
- Local descriptors matching for 3D face recognition. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. Authors: Werghi, N., Berretti, S., Del Bimbo, A., and Pala, P. [pdf] [demo]
- Face-tree: A compact discrete 3D face shape representation. 2013 1st International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and their Applications (ICCSPA). Authors: Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]

3D Ear Recognition
- A survey of 3D ear recognition techniques. ACM Computing Surveys, 55(10), pp.1-36, 2023. Authors: Ganapathi, I.I., Ali, S.S., Prakash, S., Vu, N.S., and Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]
- Multimodal hybrid features in 3D ear recognition. Applied Intelligence, 53(10), pp.11618-11635, 2023. Authors: Ganesan, K., Ganapathi, I.I., Javed, S., and Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]
- RHEMAT: Robust human ear-based multimodal authentication technique. Computers & Security, p.103356, 2023. Authors: Ganapathi, I.I., Ali, S.S., Sharma, U., Tomar, P., Owais, M., and Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]

Speaker and Emotion Recognition from Audio Signals
- Speaker identification from emotional and noisy speech using learned voice segregation and speech VGG. Expert Systems with Applications, 224, 2023. Authors: Hamsa, S., Shahin, I., Iraqi, Y., Damiani, E., Nassif, A.B., and Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]
- Emotion recognition from speech using wavelet packet transform cochlear filter bank and random forest classifier. IEEE Access, 8, pp.96994-97006, 2020. Authors: Hamsa, S., Shahin, I., Iraqi, Y., and Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]
- An enhanced emotion recognition algorithm using pitch correlogram, deep sparse matrix representation and random forest classifier. IEEE Access, 9, pp.87995-88010, 2021. Authors: Hamsa, S., Iraqi, Y., Shahin, I., and Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]
- Dominant voiced speech segregation and noise reduction pre-processing module for hearing aids and speech processing applications. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR 2020), 2021. Authors: Hamsa, S., Iraqi, Y., Shahin, I., and Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]
- EA-VGG: A new approach for emotional speech classification. 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), November 2022. Authors: Koya, S.H., Shahin, I., Iraqi, Y., Damiani, E., and Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]
- COVID-19 detection systems using deep-learning algorithms based on speech and image data. Mathematics, 10(4), 2022. Authors: Nassif, A.B., Shahin, I., Bader, M., Hassan, A., and Werghi, N. [pdf] [demo]